Books Authored by
Karen Morris:

Criminal Law in New York

Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Law, A Preventive Approach
Seventh Edition 
New York Cases in
Business Law
Karen Morris - AUTHOR
Author of
Legal textbooks, magazine column, educational blog, instructional software, legal articles and teaching modules on the Holocaust:
- Criminal Law in New York (co-authored) - a treatise for lawyers
- New York Cases in Business Law - College Textbook
- Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law -
College Textbook
- Columnist, Hotel and Motel Management Magazine, "Legally Speaking"
- You Be The Judge!
Interactive Computer Software for Legal Studies
- "The Villainy of Klaus Barbie" - A teaching module to introduce Holocaust topics into college courses
- McGuffy Award for Excellence and Longevity in Textbook Authorship - Text and Academic Authors
- Texty Award for Excellence in Textbook Authorship (two)
- Golden Pen Award - Democrat & Chronicle
- Published Articles
- National Law Journal
-New York law Journal
- Daily Record, Rochester's daily legal and business newspaper
- Views, Monroe County Bar Association
- Democrat & Chronicle
- Past President, Textbook and Academic Authors Association -
A national organization that advances members' interests on such topics as contract negotiations, the impact of technology on the textbook industry, and copyright protection.
- Book Reviewer
Nonfiction with legal themes for libraries, book clubs, Barnes & Noble, and Borders
Blogger for Cengage Publishing Company - The Law behind the News
Author of Law Made Fun through Harry Potter's Adventures and Law Made Fun Through Downton Abbey. For more information see
Books Reviewed
- Lincoln's Lost Trial; The Murder Case That Propelled Him To The Presidency
- Notorious RGB; The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsberg
- Our Auntie Rosa, by the family of Rosa Parks
- My Beloved World, by Justice Sonia Sotomayor
- Grace and Grit:My Fight for Equal Pay and Fairness by Lilly Ledbetter
- Madoff: Corruption, Deceit, and the Making of the World's Most Notorious Ponzi Scheme
- Dear Senator
- The Death of Innocents
- Deadlock: The Inside story of America's Closest Election
- The Key to My Neighbor's House: Seeking Justice in Bosinia and Rwanda
- Guilty
- The Faith Club
- Leopold & Loeb: The Crime of the Century
- The Supreme's Greatest Hits (the United States Supreme Court)
- Everything but the Burden
- Double Down
- Roberts Vs. Texaco
- The Genesis of Justice
- Let Us Prey: The Public Trial of Jimmy Swaggart
- Wally Lamb and the Women of the York Correctional Institution
- The Good Black- A True Story of Race in America
- The Cheating Culture
- The Guantanamo Lawyers
- D.C. Unmasked & Undressed; A Memoir (about Clarence Thomas)